How Is Mental Health and Criminal Law Handled in Maryland?
Attorneys often realize that clients arrested and charged with a criminal offense may suffer from mental illness. Maryland does not differ from other states in that many mentally ill people are put in jail rather than in hospitals, where they can receive proper treatment. It does differ from all but four other states in that
Read MoreWhat Happens if You Die Without a Will in Maryland?
No one wants to think about his or her own death, but it’s a fact of life. You’ve worked hard all of your life and want your assets to go to your loved ones. If you don’t have a will, the state of Maryland decides who gets your worldly goods. That may not match your
Read MoreHow the Justice Reinvestment Act Will Impact Criminal Law in Maryland
The Justice Reinvestment Act recently passed in Maryland with the objective of making substantial reforms to the state’s criminal justice system. One of the key themes of this Act is its prioritizing punishment and sentences for inmates based on the nature of the violence in their crimes. The purpose of this Act was to streamline
Read MoreCommon Mistakes Made by Police Officers During an Arrest
Being arrested can be a terrifying experience, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and confused about what is happening. However, it is important to remember that you have legal rights and that the police must follow certain procedures when making an arrest. Unfortunately, police officers sometimes make mistakes during the arrest process, which
Read MoreDrug Possession Statistics
Drug possession has become one of the largest crimes in the United States and is a small portion of the parent category: drug offenses. We’ve compiled and organized statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the FBI for your convenience in relation to drug possession charges. Note: All of these statistics do not include
Read MoreBaltimore Riots: The Legal Implications
Recently, the country has been in an uproar over the relationship between police officers and the African American community. Numerous controversies have occurred around the country where black suspects have died in the custody of police. For obvious reasons, this has set both communities on edge and has posed a serious public safety issue. In
Read MoreKnow Your Rights: DUI
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious charge in every state across the country, including Maryland. Some drivers are pulled over and arrested for a DUI when they have not had any alcohol at all; others have had very little to drink, but have had enough to cause suspicion. According to FBI arrest statistics,
Read MoreNeed a Lawyer? – 5 Things You Need to Know
Hiring the right lawyer is crucial to the success of your case. Without the proper research, you could end up with a lost case and a significantly smaller bank account. If you need a lawyer, there are 5 things you need to know: 1. Specialties Most lawyers have at least one specialty. Depending on your
Read MoreWhat is Bail?
If you are placed in jail, the judge will likely set a bail amount. Many people do not fully understand what bail is and how bail works. It’s common to assume that posting bail is like a “get out of jail free card.” In fact, bail is merely a financial assurance for the court that
Read MoreCurrent Status of Baltimore City Speed Cameras
Speeding has long been a problem in Baltimore, and with advancements in technology, it was inevitable that the government would use new tools to enforce traffic laws. In an effort to curb speeding, speed cameras were installed in strategic locations to monitor and ticket violators. Instead of hiring more police officers to patrol high-risk areas,
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