What are the Average and Maximum Jail Times for Common Crimes?
When you or a loved one are facing charges, the first question on your mind may be, “How much jail time will I have to serve?” Unfortunately, it changes from violation to violation, and is also often different based on your state. Each crime, whether misdemeanor or felony, may carry a prison term. The average
Read MoreNew Law: Maryland Becomes First State to Ban Discriminatory Profiling by the Police
Civil rights are a hot button topic in the American political realm. For those who know about police procedures, racial profiling is strongly denied. No one is pulled over or stopped unless they are doing wrong. However, the dirty little secret among some police officers is that profiling is very common, especially in a situation
Read MoreDeath Penalty in Maryland
The death penalty in Maryland has changed significantly since the first person was executed in 1773, especially in the past 50 years. As of 2013, Maryland has repealed the death penalty and the harshest sentence in the state is now life without the possibility of parole. The repeal of the death penalty also led to
Read MoreNew Maryland Law: Local Drone Laws
Drones are a newer technology that keeps expanding more into the civilian realm. Most drones in the past were used by the military to gain information on a remote location without putting the soldier at risk. Now, however, the drones are finding an audience among civilians to use for various reasons. Unfortunately, not much is
Read MoreBaltimore Riots: The Legal Implications
Recently, the country has been in an uproar over the relationship between police officers and the African American community. Numerous controversies have occurred around the country where black suspects have died in the custody of police. For obvious reasons, this has set both communities on edge and has posed a serious public safety issue. In
Read MoreKnow Your Rights: DUI
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious charge in every state across the country, including Maryland. Some drivers are pulled over and arrested for a DUI when they have not had any alcohol at all; others have had very little to drink, but have had enough to cause suspicion. According to FBI arrest statistics,
Read MoreMedical Malpractice: What to Expect When You Sue
No one likes to think that their doctor or hospital can make a mistake. However, those in the medical profession are only human, and mistakes do happen. Sometimes, these mistakes can lead to serious pain, disability, and even death. If you or a loved one suffered from a potential mistake made in your medical care,
Read MoreNeed a Lawyer? – 5 Things You Need to Know
Hiring the right lawyer is crucial to the success of your case. Without the proper research, you could end up with a lost case and a significantly smaller bank account. If you need a lawyer, there are 5 things you need to know: 1. Specialties Most lawyers have at least one specialty. Depending on your
Read MoreWhat is Bail?
If you are placed in jail, the judge will likely set a bail amount. Many people do not fully understand what bail is and how bail works. It’s common to assume that posting bail is like a “get out of jail free card.” In fact, bail is merely a financial assurance for the court that
Read MoreCurrent Status of Baltimore City Speed Cameras
Speeding has long been a problem in Baltimore, and with advancements in technology, it was inevitable that the government would use new tools to enforce traffic laws. In an effort to curb speeding, speed cameras were installed in strategic locations to monitor and ticket violators. Instead of hiring more police officers to patrol high-risk areas,
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